Old infrastructure as the main cause
The main reason for rusty tap water is mainly due to old infrastructure. This is extremely annoying, especially for tenants, because the complete replacement of the sanitary pipes is very expensive and is rarely carried out by the landlord. Rust usually collects in the pipes when you are away for a long time - this is called stagnant water. If the tap is then opened, the red-brown soup follows. In most cases, the visible spook is over after a few minutes with the line open. But the bland, metallic taste of water still remains. (Image: Badische Zeitung, dpa)
Rust occurs when ferrous plumbing oxidizes over time from the oxygen in the water. This is a natural decay process. The iron oxide formed in the process, i.e. the rust, is pretty much insoluble. Therefore, over time, it falls off the pipe and is carried along with the water flow as fine particles. This happens until the line is either replaced or bursts due to the resulting material weakness.
Is rust bad for my health?
Rust does not pose a direct health risk. Iron is basically an important mineral that our body needs in the form of iron(II) and iron(III). According to the WHO, we need between 10 - 50 mg per day, depending on the situation. But if you are now hoping for a positive effect from drinking rusty water, you will be disappointed. Iron absorption is a complex process. Otherwise iron nails would already be the healthy lollipop for in between meals.
Back to the rust in the tap water - the main problem is above all the taste of the water, which changes adversely. Our senses can still perceive the insipid, slightly iron taste when the water is no longer obviously rusty and cloudy. However, severe rust formation can also indicate a bacterial problem. Bacteria can settle well in the rust bubbles and layers that are formed. These can then suddenly increase bacteria in drinking water have as a consequence.
What can you do about it
The best and most sustainable would be to replace the lines. There are also cheaper variants. For example, wires can be coated with epoxy resin. Here, however, there is a risk that the epoxy layer will continue to release chemicals into the water for months. Then you shouldn't drink it.
However, the simplest and most cost-effective means is Effective DrinkPure. On the one hand, the pre-filter and membrane filter filter the smallest rusty particles out of the tap water - you can tell by the orange-red discoloration on the originally white filter cartridge. On the other hand, the activated carbon also binds annoying odors that can form in combination with the rust.
DrinkPure also filters other substances out of the water. Here you can find an overview of what DrinkPure can filter.